Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Assignment 2(HRM) My future Job!
Here are some guidelines on developing you future job:
1. Analyze your current/future lifestyle. Are you happy with your current lifestyle? Do you want to maintain it or change it? Be sure to identify the key characteristics of your ideal lifestyle.
2. Analyze your likes/dislikes. What kinds of job do you like? Think of a job that fit for you.
3. Analyze your passions. Reflect on the times and situations in which you feel most passionate, most energetic, most engaged.
4. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses. Step back and look at yourself from an employer's perspective. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Think in terms of work experience, education/training, skill development, talents and abilities, technical knowledge, and personal characteristics.
5. Analyze your definition of success. Spend some time thinking about how you define success. What is success to you: wealth, power, control, contentment…?
6. Analyze your personality. Are you an extravert or an introvert? Do you like thinking or doing? Do you like routines or change? Do you like sitting behind the desk or being on the move? Take the time to analyze yourself first, and then take one or more of these self-assessment tests.
7. Analyze your dream job. Remember those papers you had to write as a kid about what you wanted to be when you grew up? Take the time to revert back to those idyllic times and brainstorm about your current dream job; be sure not to let any negative thoughts cloud your thinking. Look for ideas internally, but also make the effort to explore/research other careers/occupations that interest you.
8. Analyze your current situation. Before you can even do any planning, clearly and realistically identify your starting point.
By the guidance of our HRM facilitator, we are tasked or assigned to develop a Job Description for a job we would like to hold. If you just expand your mind about your learning from the day you start learning until today, you can think a future job you would like to be. By looking forward into the future, you should expect that the job you will create is in a high demand. In my side, I expanded my knowledge on how can I create a job for the future that is best and right for me and would help other people. I don’t think if my chosen job that popup in my mind already exist or not, but I know that among those millions of job exists that are IT related I can definitely say that the job description that I will develop is also related to some of those jobs. This is the job that I really want to be in the future and I think that this job fit for me. The job description that I would like to become in the future is… Software Developer!
This is one of my dreams that someday in the future I could develop my very own unique software that would help technological enhancement and can be useful in the future especially to IT world. I choose this kind of job I want to be in the future because I was amazed by different software exists nowadays, and how those things help me and everyone. I choose to become an educated IT person because I want to experience or want to know what is behind in the world of technology that is definitely a parner of our daily lives.
God Bless!
COMDDAP experiences!

COMDDAP (Computer Manufacturers, Distributors and Dealers Association of the
COMDDAP is an association of the country's top information technolgy businesses. Its primary objective is to promote the sustainable development of the of the country's information technology industry through voluntary collaboration of its member companies. It is the goal of COMDDAP to be able to provide its members general views and updates from different sectors - private and government, and highly regarded individuals to further uplift the morale and knowledge of its organization.
The vision of promoting and elevating the standards of Information technology (IT) in the
In 1997, the manufacturing sector - represented by industry leaders Hewlett Packard, Epson and Compaq, among others - was integrated into the COMDDAP membership, making the association a more diverse representation of the IT sector and thus the new name, COMPUTER MANUFACTURERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND DEALERS ASSOCIATION OF THE
Reference: http://www.comddap.org/aboutus.htm
My experiences:
Last July 2, 2009 we went to the Apo View Hotel of Davao to witness the event, the COMDDAP Davao Expo 2009. We are informed by our facilitator in MIS (Management Information System) and HRM (Human Resource Management) about this event. This event will help us as an IT student to gather some information that is related to our course. COMDDAP’s goal is to make IT significant. As we arrive at the event area, the Apo View Hotel of Davao, first we saw, are the exhibits of different technological products such as new modeled computers/laptops, flat screened TV’s, computer mother
boards and etc.. Those are different technologies introduced by different companies for promotions of their products in order to enhance IT practices. After viewing those displayed technologies, we enter to a room to attend different sessions. Different kind of people attended the sessions; there are IT students like us from other schools, IT professionals, teachers, business personnel, and etc, just to witness different business strategies/techniques applied to IT and also to witness the pro
ducts and services that they are promoting. The first session I attended was the ERIC (Enterprise Resource & Information Control) Management System conducted by Mr Celmer L. Santos.
Here are some information about ERIC.
Jupiter Systems Inc. (JSI) is a Philippine-based IT company dedicated to delivering business solutions for medium to large companies globally. JSI is one of the most experienced software houses in the
JSI's flagship product is Enterprise Resource Information and Control (ERIC). ERIC is an integrated financial, distribution, manufacturing and personnel software application. ERIC has extended its scope to include mobile and internet based applications, making it available at the workplace on the internet and on the road.
…the next session I attended was the HP (Hewlett Packard), they mainly introduces their main product of that session, the HP Thin Client.
Here are some information about Thin Client:
What is thin client?
A thin client (sometimes also called a lean or slim client) is a client computer or client software in client-server architecture networks which depends primarily on the central server for processing activities, and mainly focuses on conveying input and output between the user and the remote server. In contrast, a thick or fat client does as much processing as possible and passes only data for communications and storage to the server.
Thin clients are computing devices that function as an access device on a network. These solid-state devices connect over a network to a server where the bulk of the processing takes place. Thin clients have no hard drive, allowing for more secure storage of data and applications on the server. In fact, keystrokes, mouse events and screen images are all that is sent between the client and server. This makes the device much more secure than a standard desktop or notebook computer. With no hard drive, fan or other moving parts, thin clients have a much longer lifespan than standard computers and use significantly less power. Lower maintenance costs are another benefit as software application updates, virus scanning and patches can be executed on the server. Deployment costs are also reduced as thin clients can be remotely configured and do not need to be set up individually. Break-fix simply requires replacing the thin client.
Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_client
…information for those products are well discussed and introduced. After the discussions about that product, the in charge conducted a question and answer portion with prizes whoever can give the right answer. The definitely try our very best to be called and give an answer because we are aiming to get the prizes such as USB flash device and t-shirts. But, I got no prizes because I haven’t called and had a chance to answer the questions but anyway I’m still satisfied with their performances in introducing their best products that can help IT people.
…After that session, I decided not to attend on the last session, but anyway I went home brought new information. Those information help gather some ideas on how IT can help our life better. By the help of different companies actually Big Companies who applies the information system in order to improve their businesses. Because they share their knowledge on us about some techniques or strategies to help us develop and extend knowledge about IT.
God Bless!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Assignment 3(MIS)Reflection on Automated election
Fri Jul 3, 2009 3:42pm IST
MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines will hold automated presidential elections next year after the partners of a joint venture that won a $150 million deal to supply counting machines patched up their differences on Friday, officials said.
"We're back to automation," Jose Melo, head of the Commission on Elections (Comelec), told reporters after Filipino company Total Information Management signed a joint venture agreement with Barbados-based Smartmatic to supply 82,200 counting machines.
Lawmakers, political groups and analysts have previously cast doubts over the automated process. Many feared chaos due to potential machine breakdowns and delays in results transmission, which could lead to a failed election and political limbo.
But analysts say even manual counting would expose the elections to the likelihood of fraud. President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has faced four attempts at impeachment on charges she cheated in the last presidential election in 2004.
Melo said the incorporation papers of the joint venture to supply vote counting machines will be filed before the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday and the contract with Comelec will be signed on Friday, the final deadline to automate the elections in May 2010.
If no automation contract is signed by July 10, Melo said the Philippines will likely scrap the deal and hold elections manually.
The automation should provide results within two days of voting instead of the weeks it takes currently, the agency has said.
On Monday, Melo said the plan to automate polls was likely to be scrapped because Smartmatic's local partner broke off from the deal due to differences, but gave the partners until Friday to resolve their dispute.
Reference: http://in.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idINIndia-40785720090703
2010 Philippine Automated Election in jeopardy
by Ryuji23 | July 1, 2009 at 03:26 am
MANILA, Philippines - The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) are now on the mindset of going back to manual counting if Smartmatic and TIM will not resolve their conflict. The COMELEC has given the two corporations until Friday to decide whether or not they could push through with the automation contract for the 2010 elections.
If the two companies cannot push through with the automation contract, COMELEC chairman Jose Melo admitted that next year’s elections might be done manually because the commission no longer has the time to convene a second bidding for a new supplier of machines.
Makati Rep. Teodoro Locsin Jr., chairman of the House electoral reform committee, told reporters that TIM president Antuñez wanted 500 million php “up front” from its foreign partner. “If you give me a half a billion pesos, all of these problems will be solved.” - This was what the president of Total Information Management Corp. had demanded in a tease manner, but Smartmatic took seriously.“Of course, they took this as a joke but lawyers do not laugh about such things. They took it as a deal breaker. The lawyers thought this was tantamount to extortion,” Locsin said.Locsin said that by making “impossible demands,” Antunez was laying the groundwork for its defense against a lawsuit to be filed by Smartmatic in Singapore. “P500 million is really big because Smartmatic’s bid is already the lowest. You are not supposed to do that, it’s illegal. You cannot just give P500 million profit to somebody. Why will you do that?” Locsin said.
Reference: http://www.nowpublic.com/world/2010-philippine-automated-election-jeopardy
To ensure a credible and transparent electoral process, the modernization of the electoral system through computerization shall be supported to ensure the credibility of polls and correct the deficiencies in the electoral system. Likewise, the Omnibus Election Code shall be further revised and amended to respond to the needs of the present electoral system. Measures to strengthen the party system and regulate the activities of political parties shall be created. State financing of political parties shall also be considered through the passage of the Campaign Finance Bill. The COMELEC’s capacity to raise the level of political discourse and educate citizens regarding their right to vote will be enhanced. This will be done through conduct of continuing citizen and voter education through partnership with civil society groups and other government institutions. The electorate must be empowered with information that would help them vote intelligently. The challenge is to develop the people’s appreciation of their vote as a means to reform the government and receive better services from it. Part of this challenge is the need to raise the awareness of the electorate on relevant issues and the corresponding platforms of the candidates, if the country is to shift from the politics of personality to the politics of party programs.
Reference: http://www.neda.gov.ph/ads/mtpdp/mtpdp2004-2010/pdf/mtpdp%202004-2010%20neda_chapterx13_elections.pdf
Its just one of the big headlines that booms out the whole world of media. It’s the news about the Automated Election that will be used in 2010 election here in Philippines. According to the news updates, there are times that the automation for election has not been approved because of some financial and other conflicts. There are lots of questions that would come up in your mind about this issue, “are the Filipinos ready for the automated election?”, “could this help and improve the election system?”, “are these machines secured enough from some anomalies such us cheating?”, “are we capable for this system?”, and etc.. But such a big question for every responsible Filipino, “Would we go for automated election or not?”.
For me, as an IT student and an educated citizen of the Philippines, I choose to have an automated election Philippines. This is our chance to show the world that we are capable and well educated persons to have this kind of system for election. In my own understanding and point of view about this issue, I urge to choose the automated election because it is one way of helping our country to improve and let the world of IT evolve in us. Technology today is part of our lives for these help us make our life efficient and easy. Automated election helps our country establish a faster, reliable and efficient election system. Information Technology is the most concern about this situation. Businesses are improved and are still revolving in our world through the help of IT/IS.
Another question arises because of our countries economic income. “Can our country (Philippines) have an enough budget to sustain the offered amount?” According to the news headlines, automated election is threatened not to continue because of some financial problem and business transaction conflicts. “Can Philippines provide that such amount?” for me yes, using IT relations, we can find ways to provide the offered amount. Information System can help us deal with Financing problem. If we can understand more way of Information System/ the Information Technology, we will be able to solve our problem.
Develop your world, learn IT!
God bless us all!
Assignment 4(MIS)Green Campus Computing
About this initiative
The Vice-Provost (Information Technology) encourages all computer users to apply green computing practices to ensure that our use of information technologies is sustainable. This site and the Green Computing Initiative contribute to the larger energy management programs at the University of Alberta.
Fall 2009 marks the beginning of the Green Computing Initiative at the University of Alberta. During this first year, the Green Computing Initiative will focus on achieving the following:
* Increasing the daily use of green computing practices by faculty and staff.
* Educating administrators about the merits of ENERGY STAR computers.
* Informing administrators about viable ways to extend the life of computers.
* Educating purchasers about appropriate computers for different types of work.
* Pilot testing ways to enhance the energy efficiency and cost effectiveness of local area networks and data centres.
All of us can contribute to the environmental sustainability of the University of Alberta. Through partnering as part of the Green Computing Initiative, we can all contribute towards information technology practices that will not exhaust the earth's resources.
visit this site for more information:
2.)Green Computing: Using IT Automation to Achieve Energy Efficiency
Overview: The concern over the environmental impact of the increased usage of computing technology has far reaching ramifications on the sustainability of business IT operations. Already increasing energy costs and expanding power utilization needs are having a direct impact on business profitability. Add to this the social concerns over the global climate crisis and conservation efforts that have led to regulatory compliance initiatives, and businesses are increasingly pressured to find new solutions to ensuring IT business implementations are more eco-friendly. Green Computing, or Green IT, is the practice of implementing policies and procedures that improve the efficiency of computing resources in such a way as to reduce the environmental impact of their utilization.
visit this site for more information:
3.) Green Computing
The University of Hertfordshire, recognised as a sector leader in environmental management, has been awarded funding from the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) for a project to incorporate green technologies into the refurbishment of the de Havilland Campus Data Centre in 2009.
This pioneering Reduction And Re-use of Energy in Institutional Data Centres (RARE-IDC) aims to provide world-class innovation in the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Higher Education.
visit this site for more information:
.... as an IT student, i must be aware of today's IT operations. To sustain and develop the business IT operations, energy cost is also increasing and the need for power utilization is expanding which leads to direct impact to business success. in order to lessen the energy cost and the usage of power, Green Campus Computing concepts can be applied in different universities, IT experts, business people and etc.. Here are some idea about GREEN COMPUTING according to wikipedia, Green computing is the study and practice of using computing resources efficiently. The primary objective of such a program is to account for the triple bottom line, an expanded spectrum of values and criteria for measuring organizational (and societal) success. The goals are similar to green chemistry; reduce the use of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during the product's lifetime, and promote recyclability or biodegradability of defunct products and factory waste. Modern IT systems rely upon a complicated mix of people, networks and hardware; as such, a green computing initiative must be systemic in nature, and address increasingly sophisticated problems. Elements of such a solution may comprise items such as end user satisfaction, management restructuring, regulatory compliance, disposal of electronic waste, telecommuting, virtualization of server resources, energy use, thin client solutions, and return on investment (ROI). The imperative for companies to take control of their power consumption, for technology and more generally, therefore remains acute. One of the most effective power management tools available in 2009 may still be simple, plain, common sense.
Here are some of my suggestions on how Universities can apply the concept of GREEN CAMPUS COMPUTING:
*First of all, the role model of the Green Campus Computing in the said Universities are the administration, faculty and staff/teachers. By their guidance and administration, this concept will be easily applied by everyone in the University. All of the members of the University specially the students and staffs who are constantly using computers and other technologies that consumes power and energy should be aware of this program, the goal and concepts of the program should be discussed and understood.
*Next, everyone should participate/cooperate in this program. All of us should understand the concept of it and apply it in our daily lives. All of us should be responsible in conserving energy and help the mother earth! Through this, all of us are the beneficiary.
*Lastly, each one of us are the model in conserving energy. Let spread this program and teach other about this. let us decrease the cost and improve competitiveness.
God bless us all!